Minggu, 22 April 2012

100 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic and Site

Traffic is the currency of the web. The more traffic your website has, the easier it will be to achieve your goals, whether it's to make money, to spread your ideas, to connect with other people or other things.
That is why we decided to make a compilation of 100 ways you can use to increase your website traffic. Applying some (or most) of them and we are sure your numbers will go up!
1. Add blogs to your website.
 If your website is static (eg, a corporate site or online store), consider adding a blog to it, where you will write new content on a regular basis. This will give your visitors a reason to come back, and your search engine traffic will increase as well. If you need software blog, check out WordPress (it's free and easy to use).
2. Leave comments on other blogs. Develop the habit of visiting the blog in your niche and leave comments on them. You can include a link to your website on every comment, and a few visitors would be coming through that link. You can use Alltop to find blogs in any niche.
3. Write guest posts. Most of the blog post to receive guests. That is, they allow you to write a post for them, and usually post brought an author byline with a link to your website. Simply submit your articles to the blog owner and ask if he wanted to publish a guest post.

4. Links blog contest. Another common practice around the blogosphere is a contest. You can sponsor one by donating products or money, and bloggers will link to your website from the contest page.
5. Join a blog carnival. Blog carnivals are online events where bloggers gather to write about one specific topic. Will host their carnival round-up writing a post linking to all the entries of participants, and participants usually link to the entry of each other as well. You can set one with your friends, or search one at BlogCarnival.com.
6. Network, network, network. Ever heard the saying "it's not about what you know but who you know"? This applies also to promote the website. If you become a friend of the blogger or website owner, he will be much more likely to link to your website and send traffic your way. A good way to achieve this is the first link to other bloggers and to build relationships via email.
Customer 7. Publish RSS feeds. Once you publish your RSS feed you will be able to subscribe visitors to your website using an RSS reader. After that every time you publish new content they will receive automatically, which is the best way to keep visitors engaged with your content and visit your website regularly.
8. Use Feedburner. If you want to get the most out of RSS feed you need to sign-up for a Feedburner account. He is absolutely free, and you'll get a variety of features, including statistics about your customers, customization options and so on. Feedburner RSS feed will also be made compatible with most browsers and RSS readers, so you will not lose customers because of technical problems.
9. Offers an email subscription. Many Internet users still do not use RSS, so it offers an email subscription to your content is a must. Fortunately this is very easy to do once you have a Feedburner account. You only need to activate this feature under the "Publicize" and then copy and paste the subscription link on your website.
10. Create an email newsletter. You can retrieve your email subscription options one step further and create an email newsletter. This will give you more control on the messages you send to your customers. For example, you can create a sequence of auto-responder, sends a specific message at a specific time interval for your new customers. You will need an email marketing software to manage your newsletter, and you can use AWeber for it (it is a paid solution).
Content is King
11. Break the news update. If your website is the first to talk about the news it will receive many links from other sites that will be covered as well, and your traffic will increase as a result.
12. Write a controversial article. If you manage to write something controversial, people will talk about and link to your article, either because they agree with you or, more likely, because they do not agree. The result will be a lot of traffic.
13. Write a list of "Top 10". Internet users love "Top 10" list, because they are easily digested and contain things that are useful (ie, 10 resources, 10 tips, and so on).
14. Write a list of "Top 100". If the "Top 10" list is good for traffic generation, "Top 100" people are great. This article is an example. People will bookmark and share the "Top 100" list as you experience the value of the package together.
15. Write "the definitive guide" to anything. People who love learning new things, especially if it will solve some of their problems. Be sure to make your guide as complete as possible, and visitors will flock to read it.
16. Publish the interview. This strategy works even better if the people interviewed have a blog or a website, because it may link to the interview and send readers to your site.
17. Leverage holidays and seasonal events. You can dramatically increase your traffic if you publish content related to major holidays and seasonal events. Examples include Christmas, elections, Olympics, World Cup and so on.
19. Create a quiz. People love quizzes, and if you create one of the highlights of your traffic may increase because visitors either take the quiz and share the results with their friends. You can use ProProfs.com to create a quiz.
19. Create a ranking people. For example, published a ranking with the rankings tend to get lots of traffic because of playing with people's ego's "50 Hottest Women Entrepreneurs.".
20. Rank your website. A similar strategy to rank the site, said the owner of the site mentioned tend to link to your article (especially if you contact them to let them know about it, so it sends "25 Best Weight Loss Blog." Your traffic.
21. Publish a funny picture. At the end of the day, people just want to have a good laugh. Publishing a funny picture is a good way to help them with it, and maybe increase your traffic at the same time. Want inspiration? Check the Pics on Reddit.
22. Create Infographic. If you are creative and like to study, then you should try to create infographics, because they tend to attract more links and traffic. Here is a tutorial that will help you to make one.
Free 23. Release the e-book. This is one of the most efficient way to generate traffic. Simply write an e-book interesting, and then release it on your website. Include a link to download directly, and email bloggers and webmasters in your niche so that they know about it. The better information in your ebook, the more people will share and recommend it, and the more traffic you will get. 24. Create a free CSS template. CSS templates are very popular all over the web, and if you send your CSS directory and more people will end up using it. Include a footer link to your website and you will definitely get traffic. 25. Create a free WordPress themes. You can also change your CSS template into a WordPress theme (or create a new theme from scratch). Wordpress is used by millions of users, and many people will download your theme if you send it to the directory (including the Official Theme Directory). 26. Released a cheat sheet. Cheat sheet is very popular on the web, and if you make one you will definitely see a bump in the number of website visits. If you want to see some examples, check out this article listing 25 useful cheat sheets for web developers. 27. Create a web design resource. Web design community is one of the most active online, and create a resource for them is a good way to increase your traffic. Examples include a collection of icons, fonts, textures, Photoshop brushes and the like.
28. Launch retweet contest. You can launch a contest where people need to retweet the contest page to get an entry into a random drawing. Prizes may be money or goods and services from your sponsor. Depending on the size of your gift can go viral retweets after a while. 29. Launched the contest comment. Alternative format of the contest is to ask people to leave comments on this post to get your contest entries. This will increase your traffic because your RSS and email subscribers will need to visit your website to leave a comment, and it will stimulate them to comment on your post more often. 30. Launch contest review. If you want to increase your search rankings you can launch a contest where people need to write about the content to get their input. You'll get a link will send you both Google juice and new visitors. Keep in mind that you need a good gift for motivating people to write about the contest though. 31. Launch contest the vote. Basically you need to create a contest where the winner will be picked up by the voting session. Suppose you have a fitness website. You can invite your readers to submit their best fitness tip, and then will decide voting session that led to a prize. This will motivate the participants to link to a voice session and to encourage their friends to visit your website and choose. 32. Launch of traffic contest. If the traffic is what you want, why not direct about it? You can launch a contest where people need to send traffic to a specific page within your website. Can contest page (for the effect of the virus) or the source of the page (for example, the page where you provide an ebook). After a set time (eg, 2 weeks, 1 month or whatever), you will only need to check your web analytics to see the site sends more visitors, and then award prizes.
Multimedia 33 Experiment with video. As you may have heard, the video is very big on the web today. If you do not experiment with it yet, you should. If you want to do something simple, just record yourself speaking in front of web cam (obviously what you are talking about should be attractive to your visitors, as opposed to some of the common long-winded). 34. Create screencasts. A very efficient way to make the video interesting is to record your computer screen while you perform multiple tasks. For example, you can use it to teach others how to use a computer or how to do something on the Internet. You can use free software called CamStudio to make your screencasts.
35. Submit your videos to multiple sites. Once you have your video ready to go, you have to pass it on video sites as much as possible, and not just on YouTube. Fortunately there are sites that can help you do it without spending too much time on it. This is called TubeMogul.com, and automate many of the submission process for you.
36. Launch of the podcast. This could be a good traffic generator for one main reason: there is not much competition out there as far as podcasts go. In other words, as long as you put some effort into it, the podcast you can become a leader in your niche pretty quickly. All you need is a USB microphone to start recording.
37. Release the audio interview. We already mentioned that the interview is good for traffic. In addition to the interview text, but you can also release the audio interview. Skype makes it very easy to record one. You will only need to use the software to record your Skype conversations. PowerGramo has a free version that works well.
Social Bookmarking Sites
38. Make people stumble your article. If you have friends using Stumble Upon, best ask them to stumble your article. This should get the ball rolling, and if other users such as Stumble Upon content you may receive a lot of traffic from it.
39. Try to reach the front page of Digg. Reaches Digg's front page is quite difficult, but worth a try, because once you manage it you will receive tens of thousands of visitors. You should start by being an active Digg user, trying to make as many friends as possible and understand what kind of content that work there. Once you have two things, get a friend to submit one of your best stories, and a network of contacts to vote on it.
40. Send content to Reddit. If you fail to find success with Digg, Reddit trial. It works the same way, but are smaller and have more community-friendly, so your content may be doing better there. Funny stuff, technology and politics are very suitable for the subject site.
41. Get your visitors to bookmark your articles in Delicious. If you publish many how-to articles and tutorials, Delicious can be a good traffic generator for your website. Simply Delicious icon below to add your article, try to get some friends to bookmark your articles as soon as they get published. If you get enough in a short time bookmarking your article may be promoted to the front page of Delicious.
42. Include social bookmark icons on your site. You can increase the number of votes and the bookmark you will get by including social bookmarking icons on your site. You can use this generator to automatically create an icon and paste code on your website.
43. Try to social bookmarking sites niche. The fourth social bookmarking sites mentioned above are the largest on the web, but there are also various kinds, niche focused bookmark smaller sites that can send you some traffic. Here is a list with 83 of them. Simply join with those related to your niche and check how much traffic they can send you.
Social Network
44. Create a profile on the most popular social network. When you create a profile on social networks, you can usually enter the URL of your website. Guess what? This is an opportunity to build links, and possibly increase your traffic (either because your visitors will get and therefore the link juice). Mashable has a list with more than 350 social networks, so use it to start. 45. Start using Facebook. If you want to generate traffic social media, you must have a presence in the can. At the very least you should do is to create an account there and network with as many people as possible. Once you will be able to generate traffic by posting a link to your website on your Facebook stream. 46. Create a fan page. Another great way to use Facebook is to create a Fan page. This is basically a page dedicated to your website, where your visitors can be a fan, leave comments and so forth. Here is a tutorial to help you make the first page of your Fan. 47. Include the "Likee" on your site. Facebook recently introduced the "Like" button, which you can embed on your site to let users share your content via the account they can. Get a button is just a matter of copying and pasting a few lines of code. Here is the page where you can get it.
48. Start using Twitter. Another must have is the social network Twitter. You can create an account for yourself, or one directly to your website, where you will post an update with a link to your latest posts and related content from around the web.
49. Include a tweetmeme button on your site. By including the tweetmeme button on your web site, you will allow your visitors to retweet your posts and pages with one click, which can increase the traffic you will receive from Twitter.2
50. Explore niche social networks. You problably will not get much traffic from niche social network as you would from Facebook and Twitter. But you still have to give them a shot, because the traffic will be much more targeted. Here is a list of the 233 divided by niche social networks.
Website Optimization
51. Customize your 404 error page. Whether you like it or not people will get a 404 error on your website. Maybe they'll misspell your URL, maybe someone will link to the page inexistent in your website, and so on. If you use a normal 404 error page, visitors will simply move to another web site. If you customize your 404 error page to include some useful links, but you will channel visitors to other parts of your site, thus increasing your traffic.
52. Interlink your pages. This strategy will increase your traffic in two ways. First of all you will allow visitors to explore your website easier, increase the number of page views per visit. Second, it will also improve your search rankings for your link juice will be distributed to all the pages of your website.
53. Highlight your most popular content. People want to know "what's hot" when they visit a website. You can increase the number of page views per visitor you will get if you highlight your content is popular and encourage them to read it. The easiest way to achieve this goal is to create a "Popular Articles" on your sidebar.
54. Test your website in various browsers. If web users can not really imagine your website they will just move to another site. That's why you should make sure that your site works well on most popular browsers. There's an online service called Browsershots.org that can help you with it, and it's absolutely free.
55. Speeding up your website. There are many research papers stating that the majority of internet users will only wait a few seconds for a web page to load. If not, they will close and move to another website. On top of that search engines also use the speed of loading as a ranking factor, so that your site load faster, rank higher you are looking for. The first thing you should do to improve your loading speed is to remove unnecessary elements from your site and to reduce the size of your image. You can use the Firebug extension for Firefox to perform a more detailed analysis of your loading speed.
56. Serve the cached page. A very efficient way to improve your page loading speed is to serve the cached version to your visitors. It will also reduce the load on your Web server, and make your site more responsive. WordPress users can install a plugin called WP Super Cache to achieve this.
57. Get decent hosting. No matter how much you optimize your website, however, still will load slowly if your hosting plan mediocre to begin with. That's why you should stay away from free and cheap web host. Investment of $ 10 per month for quality hosting plan is a must.
Search Engine Optimization 58. Create unique content. If you want to receive search engine traffic and only have time to work on one thing, you have to work on creating unique content for your website. This is what Google and the company values ​​most. More unique content you have, and things more frequently you publish the new, the better.
59. Build backlinks. The second most important thing you can do to improve your search rankings and receive organic traffic is to build backlinks. That is, you need to have a lot of sites link to yours as possible. The higher the quality and relevance of this link, the better. If you have a tech blog, for example, get a link from TechCrunch technology or some other authoritative sites will do wonders for your SEO.
60. Perform keyword research. Search engines work around your keywords, and if you understand the key words that people use you can customize your content to match it. For example, the term "funny pictures" is 15 times more sought after than the term "funny pictures," so you may have to use that in the post title. You can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find any keyword search volume.
61. Optimize your title tags. The title tag is the title of your page. It goes in
62. Build an HTML sitemap. An HTML sitemap is basically a page within your website linking to all other pages (and better connected than all the other pages too). HTML sitemap helps search engines to crawl and index your website, thus increasing your search rankings.
63 Use a picture. Most webmasters forget that Google has a feature called "Image search," which is quite popular. This means that by using the images in your pages, you can increase search engine traffic you get. Just make sure to optimize your image name with relevant keywords, and always include ALT and TITLE attributes in your image tags. You can use sxc.hu website to find thousands of royalty free images to use on your website.
64. Translate your content. Depending on the topic of your website, translate your page into another language can multiply your search engine traffic. To achieve this you need a plugin that will get your translated pages indexed by search engines. WordPress users can use one called Global Translator.
65. Create a mobile version of your website. As more and more users begin to access the web through mobile devices, it becomes important to have a version of your site is working perfectly this new platform. If you are using Wordpress you can install a plugin called WPTouch to create a mobile version automatically.
66. Create an iPhone app for your website. iPhone can be said to be the most popular smartphones, and most users rely heavily on the application to consume their content. If you make an iPhone app to display the website i8si you both can get new readers and currently allows you to read your stuff on their iPhone. There is an open source project that will help you do this for free.
67. Create an Android application for your website. Google's mobile operating system, called Android, was quickly caught up, so you can make the application site for that too. You will need some knowledge of coding for this though.
Online Forum
68. Join in online forums and place a link to your website in your signature. Regardless of the topic of your site, you will definitely find dozens of online forums related to joining. Most of them allow you to place links in your signature, and you can use to send visitors to your web site yourself. If you need help finding an online forum, check out Big-Boards.com, because they have a database of thousands of forum is divided by category.
69. A link to your article from the post thread. In addition to placing a link to your website in your signature, you can also link to the article when you write a forum post. For example, if you just write a post that is useful for other forum members, you can start a thread to let them know about it, and ask for feedback. Just make sure to do this when your articles are relevant, which 2lain you might get tagged as a spammer.
70. Join a Craigslist forum. If you search on Craigslist (the most popular classified ad sites on the web), you will see that in every city there is a "discussion forum" section. You can write a post there, and include a link to your website at any time relevant to the discussion.
71. Consider adding a forum to your site. Once your website reaches a critical mass of users (ie, 5,000 unique visitors a day or more), you could consider adding a forum for it. This will give your visitors a place to ask questions and contribute content, while increasing your traffic. phpBB is free forum software and reliable you can use.
Content Hubs
72. Create a "lens" on Squidoo. Each "lens" on Squidoo is a summary page about a particular topic. Creating a lens is free, and you can include all kinds of information on them, including a link to your own website.
73. Create a "hub" on HubPages. A very similar site called HubPages. You can create a "hub" on a particular topic, and include a link to your website there. Just make sure to read the site guidelines, to ensure your hub will be published.
74. Answer questions on Yahoo! Answers. Take time to browse the questions on Yahoo! Answers, and every time you find one related to the topic of your site, answer it. You can include a link to your site as an additional resource, or a specific article on the site to answer questions as well.
75. Answers to questions on LinkedIn. Answers you is another platform where you can answer questions from other users and includes a link to your own website or article. Keep in mind that the topic of lean about careers and businesses here.
Old School
76. Submit your site to web directories. Amount of traffic you'll get from this tactic depends on the quality of web directories that will accept you. If you send hundreds of them, but traffic may build. Here is a list with hundreds of web directories, organized by the Google PageRank.
77. Submit your blog to blog directories. If you have a blog, you can also submit to blog directories (eg, a web directory that lists blogs only). This article lists 50 of them to get you started.
78. Submit content to article directories. Article marketing is a very common and effective way to increase your traffic. Basically you have to submit your articles to article directories. Almost all of them allow you to include a link back to your site, and that is how the traffic will increase. Here is a list of the 50 most popular article directories on the web.
79. Exchange link. The practice of exchanging links is as old as the web, but that is because it works. You just have to be careful to only exchange links with sites that have unique and relevant content to your visitors (another Google might be disappointed).
80. Use an ad swap. A similar strategy is to use an ad swap. That is, you use your unused advertising space to promote your partner sites, and he did the same with advertising space unused. The ad itself can be anything, from the banner to an email message to your newsletter.
81. Distribute a press release. Create and distribute press releases can still send some traffic to your website, especially if you have something new in your segment. You can pay companies like PRWeb to do most of the work for you, or you can manually send a press release (here is a list of the 50 sites you can submit it to).
82. Include your website URL in your email signature. Email is the most used communication channels today, and as such you should use it to let your contacts know about your website.
Paid Methods
83. Google AdWords. Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most efficient way to buy traffic to your website, and Google AdWords is the largest advertising network to which the web. Creating an account is free, and then you will have to bid on keywords. Depending on your niche it is possible to buy clicks for as low as a few cents.
84. Advertise. The best alternative to Google AdWords is the platform for ads. You will be able to pay two per click and per 1,000 impressions, and you also can target very specific demographic, to ensure that the visitors will be interested in your content.
85. StumbleUpon advertising. If your content is doing well in social media you can try to StumbleUpon ads. Your web site (or a specific page in it) basically want to display to StumbleUpon, at a cost of $ 0.05 per view. If many users choose the content you are positive you will also receive some free traffic.
86. Reddit sponsored links. Other social bookmarking sites where you can buy this ad Reddit. Basically you will create a link sponsors to be displayed on the homepage, and Reddit users will be able to choose up or down.
87. Purchasing banner ads directly. Almost every website owner is willing to sell banner ads. If you find a website that is closely related to you, therefore, you can contact the owner asked how much he will charge for banner ads. Return on investment may be higher here, because the visitors who will come will tend to survive and become a loyal reader of your site.
88. Purchase of banner ads across the network. There's also an ad network that can help you buy banner ads, pay a flat monthly fee. BuySellAds.com is a big one with a large inventory actually website.
89. Purchase sponsored reviews. Sometimes the reviews sponsored work better for traffic generation, because your website will appear in the post (ie, the reader will be exposed directly to another site). If you want to buy sponsored reviews on the website you can contact the owner directly, or browse through sites like SponsoredReviews.com market (be sure to link sponsor will have the nofollow attribute, else Google might be upset).
Offline method
90. Tell your friends and family about your website. These people would be interested in checking out your site, and if you put any new content frequently, they can keep coming back.
91. Tell your colleagues about your website. This is a group of people who would be interested to visit your website at least one. If the content of your website is somewhat related to your work this strategy will work better.
92. Include your website URL on your business card. If you give yourself a name card frequently, consider including your website URL in there. Professional contacts may be interested to visit after all.
93. Print the URL of your website in a few T-shirts. It is very easy and cheap to get a shirt made today (just Google it), so get some with your website URL can be a good way to spread the word about it.
94. Create a sticker with your web site's URL and spread them around you. If you really want to go guerrilla, get some stickers with your website URL and spread them around. Cars, windows, computers, you name it!
95. Place an ad in a local newspaper. Depending on the niche of your website, get an ad in a local newspaper can be a good investment. For example, if you have a blog about local news or events in the local newspaper advertising can certainly bring you some new readers.
Of the box method
96. Come up with April 'Fools prank a. The first month of April is a very festive day on the Internet, where many companies and webmasters come up with funny pranks. If you come up with a funny or interesting owners of other websites may link to you, send traffic. You can check the 's summary of the 2010 TechCrunch pranks for inspiration.
97. Set your website as the homepage on each computer you use. If you apply these tactics consistently it really can bring good results. For example, you can set your website as the homepage of all computers in your school, work, libraries and so forth.
98. Navigate to your website at a computer store. It may not bring you much traffic, but it sure is funny tactics. Every time you go to the store with the computer on display, open the web browser and navigate to your Web site, so that passers-by will see it.
99. List your website for sale. Even if you do not plan to sell it, that is. Interested buyers will visit your website to check it out, and that is how you will increase your traffic. If you list your site on popular marketplaces, like Flippa.com, Might you actually get thousand of visitors (and possible some good offers!).
100. Fake a hacker attack. The community of bloggers and webmasters gets in turmoil every time a website or blog gets hacked. If you fake Such an attack (ie, by putting a weird message in your homepage) Certainly you'll receive many backlinks and a bump in traffic. People get pissed if They Might find out it was a prank, though.
Sources kangmusa

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