Minggu, 22 April 2012

Tips for Choosing the Right WordPress Theme and Quality

Tips Memilih Theme WordPress Yang Tepat dan BerkualitasBecause of the many who ask about the proper WordPress theme to use in a blog, so this time I will share some tips on how to choose the right theme for your WordPress blog, especially the self hosting.
The tips on choosing the right theme and this quality you do not absolutely have to have the ability to HTML coding, PHP or CSS because I will be discussing in terms which can be understood by beginners, but if you have the skills mentioned above, it would be great and really is not to be confused in choosing a WordPress theme that will be used for any theme you use, with such skill then you will be able to easily modify the theme to fit what you want.
The point is whatever you use WordPress theme for your blog, be it premium or free the most important is the content and benefits of these blogs for visitors. Want to use themes that are worth millions with a professional design and content is in shambles cool if it was useless because a blog can attract readers is of quality and originality bloggernya. How does the blog provide content that is informative, useful and helpful readers.

Okay, back to the subject. In essence the proper selection of WordPress themes do not need to be done in the early days to build a blog but in the final stages of finishing alias when goals and planning my blog will be in the direction which carries the content. It covers what topics will be discussed. That's all that matters. When the direction and purpose to build a blog is still blank, but you already noisy and a headache thinking about the themes that are suitable to use it when going the way? blog instead of your street, you are so obsessed instead of rushing to find a theme which fits the theme and mutually theme will haunt you. It is common place in the novice bloggers, including me had also experienced it. :)
Well, when the planning and the direction my blog will be executed, the selection of themes is mandatory that you have to think of as the stage finish. Actually not be too complicated to determine the theme for our blog because as I said earlier, keep your item is number one for visitors. Here are some tips from me in choosing the right WordPress theme and quality:

Use the Theme From The Trusted Sites or Developer
Any WordPress theme you choose either premium or free, always check the WordPress theme developer is from a place or a credible or not and also a licensed alias is legitimate because it is related to the update and support of the theme. Moreover for a free WordPress theme, it is better you use a theme in WordPress theme directory as it could be that good quality in terms of design and safety themenya because the themes that are included in this directory has been through a variety of test and review the feasibility of the WordPress team.
There are also many free themes shared independently encrypt some parts there is usually a particular file in the footer.php with the aim that its users do not remove the credit link from the developer in return for this theme for free on the condition of credit backlink is not removed. But in this case is at issue is not elimination but could backlinknya the encrypted code in the existing scripts which is dangerous for the survival of a blog that uses it like a script backdoor, spyware or data thieves that send to the developer. If backlink is the real problem that's up to you. If you find a free theme is really nice and useful for you, yes there is nothing wrong with appreciating authornya credit link. If the suggestions I should try to avoid it use the theme in which there are actually a lot of the encryption code for a free theme, especially in the WordPress directory that is free from the encryption code for your own WordPress theme will not be passed to go into the directory if there is encryption code. Code like the following example:
TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd9aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb = 4sIGJ9dCBieSBVaGlz IHNpbmd9bGFyIHBhc3Npb = 4gZnJvbSBvdGhlciBhbmltYWxzLCB3aGljaCBpcyBhIGx9c3Qgb = D dGhlIG9pbmQsIHRoYXQgYnkgYSBwZXJzZXZlcmFuY = UGB = YgZGVsaWdodCBpbiBVaGUgY = 9udGlu dWVkIGFuZCBpbmRlZmFVaWdhYmxlIGdlbmVyYXRpb = 4gb = Yga = 5vd = xlZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRo ZSBzaG9ydCB = ZWhlbWVuY = UGB = YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4 =
The code is usually based base64 and usually is in footer.php or functions.php file. We recommend that you do the decoding of the code or if not should not be used themenya.

Do not Choose Theme by Design picture
Many theme-theme be it free or a premium offer the power of graphic design or image that is super cool but in terms of features, structure and functionality may be mediocre because this would even increase the weight of the loading theme. Moreover, if an image problem can also make your own with the levels are not excessive or usefulness adjusted using software such as Photoshop or GIMP.

What To Consider In Choosing a WordPress Theme?
Here I will discuss only the basic features that I think these features are enough to explore the change or make the blog look different according to the content and characteristics or our branding. If you get a theme that has features more information than I have described below, then that is a bonus. :)
Features and Functions:

Widget ready. Currently, this feature has become essential that there is a theme because it is useful for ease in managing your blog become more organized and neat.
Multiple Widget Area. Would be great if the theme you choose has the features that can position the widget in various positions such as side sidebar widget, widget header and footer sidebar widget.
Ready WP Custom Menus. This is a set menu navigation features introduced since WordPress version 3.0 was introduced and many theme developers are still not implementing or updating their theme that support this feature. If you want flexibility in the menu settings without the need to tweak the code then you need mempertimbagkan theme that already support this feature. More than one custom menu as in the header and footer would be better.
Layout and Structure of the Variable. This is a feature that helps make our blogs look different like the freedom to set the display style of blog content, magazine or video portal as well as a feature to change the location of the position of the sidebar to the left or to right or no use at all, aka full sidebar width.
Display Design:

Customization Logo or Header. Has a feature to change the logo and upload an image or picture header.
Background customization. Has the feature to use as a background image and background color selection.
Well ... that's the features it has become as standard as it is owned by the theme Twenty Twenty Ten and Eleven of the WordPress team. In conclusion, avoid the theme requires you to provide a backlink in the footer primarily nothing to do with the theme or the developer let alone the use encrypted all the themes that are then also need some new plugins to actually perform the function essentially as a growing number of WordPress plugins that we use, the more severe loading a blog server while also consuming a great resource for Wordpress script itself already requires substantial resources to run.
In addition, If the theme you choose has additional features or high end, there should be a tutorial or documentation for otherwise it's useless when you finally could not take advantage of these features. Like a world-class racing cars such as Formula 1, but driven by a driver who would not lay any special, let alone win ... could have been lucky tuh finish ... he .. he ..
Anyway, coincidentally related to the discussion of all my WordPress theme infokan for you that in the month of April 2012 is Insyallah I will be releasing a premium theme design and more features than what I described above.

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